
Sellotion eCommerce Platform

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  • Startup Commercial Name (English): Sellotion eCommerce Platform
  • Startup Commercial Name (Arabic): Sellotion eCommerce Platform
  • Contact Person Name: Motasim Albadarneh
  • Phone Number: 00962782072071
  • Email: info@sellotion.com
  • Headquarter: Jordan
  • Elevator Pitch:
    Sellotion is a SaaS affordable eCommerce platform enabling businesses with branded eCommerce Apps, & integrated business management tools such as ERP/POS. We have managed the automatic production of eCommerce Native Mobile Apps with the lowest costs and time (the actual production time per customer is 3 seconds). The platform quality is the highest since it's built completely on native Apps which provide the best performance and UI quality.
  • Main Sector: Ecommerce
  • Sub Sector: Platform, Logistics